my journeys

Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuk Din

After days of having western meals, the desire to consume Asian foods had brought me to Tuk Din’s restaurant. A wood flooring dine hall shined by yellow lights located in Bayswater, London. A restaurant owned by Tuk Din, a Malaysian who lived in London for more than 20 years. This Malaysian restaurant is famous with flavours of Malaysia. My idea to have Nasi Putih and Masak Lemak Daging Salai was not a bad one at all. As I still craved for my mom’s cook, I ordered Nasi Lemak and Teh Tarik. I can say, you can get nothing better than these foods from other restaurant in London. Get Tuk Din Restaurant as your must-visit-place. Surely, you’ll be served with the memories of old Malaya.

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