my journeys

Monday, August 31, 2015

Madame Tussauds

Days passed by, my stay in London becoming more and more interesting. I am going to the famous wax museum in London. MADAM TUSSAUDS!! The name of Madame Tussauds was taken from the well-known wax modelling back in 1700. Madame Tussauds is located in Marylebone Rd in London. It operates from 9am until 7pm. In this wax museum, there are hundreds of wax sculptures of the famous rockstars, models, actors and singers from around the world. This place is a must visit place for every individuals. Madame Tussauds wax museums are also located in New York City, Bangkok, Berlin, Las Vegas and in famous cities in the world.

Childhood dreamt? Checked!

Arsenal :)

On this day, I was surprised by my cousin.. 


It was the Carling Cup Quarter Final match. My dreamt since I was 6 years old came true. Few hours before the game started. We got on Tube for almost 1 hour from East Acton to Islington. When we arrived there, I almost fainted as I was very happy. I got myself into tears. More than that, my cousin, Hafiz, bought me a latest Arsenal jersey from the official Arsenal shop. I was blessed. Then, we watched Arsenal match and luckily Arsenal won the game with 2-0. Emirates stadium is located in Holloway, London. The construction cost of Emirates Stadium was £470 million. This is the home of Arsenal football club. This stadium is known as the third largest football stadium in the world after Old Trafford and Wembley. I thought I was in my dream but no I was a dreamer in Emirates.


One fine morning, I saw white drops falling off the sky. I had an adrenaline rush. In my pyjamas, I ran out onto the garden and started to dance like a little kid. At first, I did not realized it was freezing as I was too happy looking at the droplets. My view became white. The roads and trees as if they were covered by flour. I began to feel the pain of the cold weather and my nose and ears were really in pain. Then, I began to wonder how on earth do people survived staying there? Am I going to enjoy winter?

Tuk Din

After days of having western meals, the desire to consume Asian foods had brought me to Tuk Din’s restaurant. A wood flooring dine hall shined by yellow lights located in Bayswater, London. A restaurant owned by Tuk Din, a Malaysian who lived in London for more than 20 years. This Malaysian restaurant is famous with flavours of Malaysia. My idea to have Nasi Putih and Masak Lemak Daging Salai was not a bad one at all. As I still craved for my mom’s cook, I ordered Nasi Lemak and Teh Tarik. I can say, you can get nothing better than these foods from other restaurant in London. Get Tuk Din Restaurant as your must-visit-place. Surely, you’ll be served with the memories of old Malaya.

Trafalgar Square

I continued my journey to one of the most exciting place in London which was The Trafalgar Square. This place once more has caught my attention because of the designs and histories behind the monuments and statues. Charing Cross was the former name of this historical place located in the City of Westminster, London. There were four lion statues guarding the Nelson’s Column which was dedicated to Admiral Horatio Nelson who died in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The designer of Trafalgar Square was known as Sir Charles Barry. This square was one of the attractions offered by London.

Hyde Park

8 am,

 I prepared Malaysian breakfast for my aunt and cousins and started my day. I began my day with walking around the neighbourhood and got to the Hyde Park located in Westminster. It was almost winter and it was spring season. The fallen leaves and brownish park made the park completely wonderful. Hyde Park was known as The Royal Park. This park cover 350 acres. Lady Diana, the famous princess of wales memorial fountain. This park was also famous for its Speakers’ Corner. Not more to say, I wouldn’t mind to spend every single morning of my life to breathe the air of Hyde Park.


Here I am, standing in the very well-known airport in United Kingdom. I was clueless…Nothing was seems to differ from Malaysia except for the people in the airport. I tried to impress myself by getting a caramel hot chocolate and chocolate brownies from the cafĂ©. As I walked on my own to the tube station (train station) I began to realize that I was no longer in Malaysia as I saw most of the people use BOOKS as their main source of knowledge. Everybody was reading and it was me alone who was holding a brownies on my right hand. I was so shocked to see such environment. Now, I have to get myself to East Acton as I wish to stay with my aunt. I was told to get there by tube but I was not told which tube. At that point, I asked the police officer about the route to my aunt’s place. I was surprised by the help that offered by him which he paid the ticket for me and accompanied me until the train arrived. I started to love London even more!
I arrived in East Acton at 9pm. It was freezing as ice. I put on my winter coat and followed the direction that was told by my aunt. “Walk straight till you see a dark purple Audi A3 car in front of my house.” It was dark and soundless. I walked slowly accompanied by my own shadow until I finally found my aunt house. I turned pale and I started to catch a cold. I was then told to sleep and it was almost impossible because of jet-lag. I stayed awake until 3am planning for my trip on my first day of being in my wonderland.