my journeys

Monday, August 31, 2015

Qatar Airways

As time passes by, I was waiting for the perfect time to claim for my reward to my dream land. Boarding school has made it harder for me to get to my fantasy city. I started to made plans and arranged my holidays and waiting for the perfect time. In 2010, right after my PMR examination, I have the longest holidays since the last three years. I then decided to look for my flight ticket to Heathrow(London) but the ticket was so expensive. I can no longer wait for the next long holidays as I had to wait for another 2 years. I looked for every airline that offered the cheapest ticket to my dream destination and I found Qatar airways as the best of all. They offered RM2800 for return ticket but I have to transit in Doha, Qatar for 7 hours.

 The question was could I survive alone ?

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