my journeys

Monday, August 31, 2015

the beginning

Everything began when I was 11. I was a Harry Potter lover. The way Harry talks with beautiful British accent made me anxious on the beauty of English language. Then, I was influenced by the movie James Bond showing the stunning city of London. BOOM!! There comes my dream! I was no more dreaming of being the next Superman nor Spiderman. I was then dreaming of being the new Londoner. When I was in standard 6, I was forced to study for my UPSR but being a kid I resist as I would rather playing around with my friends and watching movies. I usually ran away from school just to play video games with my friends in Cyber CafĂ©. After few times of being caught by my parents, they then came out with a plan. They said if I could get straight A’s for my UPSR they will send me to London all by myself. From that moment, I worked really hard and prepared myself. I never skipped my tuition classes and stayed up late at night to complete my homeworks. 

For the last 3 months before UPSR started, I became the new Ummar.

 After all, does everything paid off? 

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